Welcome To Mars Tunes

Martians are born with an intense appreciation for music — good music, of all kinds.

A few of us try writing a tune or two ourselves, mostly in English. The songs on this website represent a sampling of those efforts from one particular Martian, Leland Scott.

In 2010, Mr. Scott sent us some cassette recordings he made during 1978-2000, and we recently finished digitizing them. These recordings are far from polished, but many of them are clearly "diamonds in the rough." Leland is a songwriter rather than a performer, and the rough nature of these demos makes this clear. Still, it's surprising how well received they've been back home, and Scott tells us he is surprised by how much good material there was — 8 albums worth, as it turns out. So he has collaborated with MarsTunes to prepare this website, mostly as a means to document the work he did during that very creative musical period of his life.

Words for all the Mars Tunes
I Am The Passenger

You are the water
You are the boat
I am the passenger home

The night is falling
You are the light
I am the passenger home

So guide the boat
Safely through the sea, my love
Guide the boat
To the other side
Be free
Be with me

The rain is coming
You are the sun
Don't hide from the one you love

The storm is over now
You are the one
I am the passenger home

So guide the boat
Safely through the sea, my love
Guide the boat
To the other side
Be free
Be with me

My Woman Change

You know the harder I try to know you
The more elusive you become
Just like this world that's always changing
You know the time has not yet come

She's moving forward
She's moving back
She's metamorphosing now

It's hard to follow,
And I can't lead her
Someday I'll figure it out

My woman change
From day to day
My woman change
From day to day

You know the harder I try to know you
The more elusive you become
Just like this world that's always changing
You know the time has not yet come

My woman change
From day to day
My woman change
From day to day

In The Morning

You will wake
In the morning
And I,
I will be gone
You will look for me,
You will look for me
But I will be gone

And you will find
My last dishes
And my last coffee cup by the bar
You will cry,
You will cry
What went wrong?

You will go out on the town tonight,
And you will try to put me out of your mind
You will follow my steps to the sun,
But I won't be there.

And I,
I will be watching
I'll be seeing
Your trail
And I will cry to you to go
And I will cry to no avail

Yes, there'll be moments when our paths will cross,
We'll remember all the pain
Yes, we'll recall all the pleasure
And the pain
And it'll seem like a shame.

And my things will still be there even after many years,
And yours will always be with me
And I will stumble over ancient eyes

And I'll be startled
By the tears
Until I realize
They are mine
Until I realize they are mine,
Not those of a memory.

If You Ever Leave My Life

If you ever leave my life,
Oh darling you know that I'll survive
But it won't be easy, no it won't
You're half my life,
You're half my hope
So if you ever go away
I'll just have to cope
I'll have to go on,
Even though I know I won't want to...

I've had lots of women in my time
We've played piano, spilled the wine
I loved them all, I loved them well
But what went wrong,
It's hard to tell
But they're all gone, now it's just you right here
And don't you know,
And I'm saying now
That you're for good.

I put my faith in what you'll say
I'm on a limb, don't make me stay
The time has come for you to tell me what you mean to do
Will it be forever,
Will it be through?
I know I'm puttin' you on the spot, babe
But I hope it's clear
I love you dear,
Yes I do.

I'm Gonna Win

It's easy to give in
Easy to give up
It's easy to give anything you've got
Just to get some peace

The world is closin' in
Bottlin' you up
They've got you pegged from your heart to your desire
Like a hungry beat

The choices seem to go,
And you're left with one oar to row
Find your dry land
Let yourself stand on your own two feet
There's lots you can do,
There's lots you can do.

Because you don't have to be what they want
That's not the reason you're here
Well I don't know about you, my friend
But I'm gonna win,
I'm gonna win
I'm not gonna give in.

Well you fight so hard,
It goes on every day
You got to learn how to handle defeats
Along the way

But keep your spirit strong,
Keep your purpose clean.
By the time you reach the shore,
Tell 'em what you've seen.

Tell 'em you don't have to be what they want
That's not the reason you're here
Well I don't know about you, my friend
But I'm gonna win,
I'm gonna win
I'm not gonna give in.

The Song Is Sung

Home again for Christmas,
Nothin's quite the same
The girl I knew in high school
Didn't know my name
Such a silly game.

I felt like a fool,
But I was cool,
I hid my shame.

My sister's getting married
The girl will go away.
She wants nothin' to happen
But she doesn't want to stay,
She'd like to play.

The song is sung,
She's much to young
For the happy day.

The past is a silly song to sing
It's a broken thing
If you feel your lips are moving to that tune,
Then all too soon
You'd better close them
Won't do no good to open them again.

The house that I grew up in
Still stands upon the hill
My parents, they still love me
I guess they always will
There's no until.

And I can roam
Away from home
Til my future's still.

The past is a silly song to sing
It's a broken thing
If you feel your lips are moving to that tune,
Then all too soon
You'd better close them
Won't do no good to open them again.

Go On (Don't Worry 'Bout Me)

Go on, don't worry 'bout me
Go on,
Don't worry 'bout me
I'll be OK
Just go away,
And I'll be OK.

Today, my lover said to me
She said my heart wants to be free
And I looked at her,
And I told my love
How that made me feel.

There was a time
When I never thought that you would leave me
There was a time
When you always did believe me
There was a time,
There was a time...

There's nothing wrong me that a little time won't mind
There's nothing wrong me that a
Little time won't mend
I'll be OK,
I'll be OK,
Yes I'll be OK.

Go on, don't worry 'bout me
Go on,
Don't worry 'bout me
There's nothing wrong me that a little time won't mind
There's nothing wrong me that a
Little time won't mend
I'll be OK,
I'll be OK,
Yes I'll be OK.

Go on
Don't worry 'bout me...

Don't Leave Me with A Broken Heart

You ran away and left me
You ran away and left me,
You packed your bags and fled me,
And you left me with a broken heart.

Don't leave me with a broken heart,
Don't leave me with a broken heart
Your leavin's tearing me apart,
And all I've got's a broken heart.

What about all the good times?
Don't they mean anything to you?
All you talk about's the bad times
All the times that were bad for you.

Well I loved you,
I loved you too much I guess
But I loved you,
And it ended up a mess.

Don't leave me with a broken heart,
Don't leave me with a broken heart
You left before we could even start,
And all I've got's a broken heart.

You were my perfect woman,
We started out with such a bang
You were my only woman,
It all seems such a shame

Well I loved you,
I loved you too much I guess
But I loved you,
I gave you my very best.

Don't leave me with a broken heart,
Don't leave me with a broken heart
Your leavin's tearing me apart,
And all I've got's a broken heart.

Don't leave me with a broken heart,
Don't leave me with a broken heart
You left before we could even start,
And all I've got's a broken heart.

The Singles Bar

Standin' at the singles bar
And we're rollin',
We're rollin'
Don't expect to get far
And we're hopin',
We're hopin'

Standing together with united purpose,
Here we are
Clinging to each other's lonely eyes
Hoping for just an ounce of love or trust
Here at the bar,
And we're hopin'
We're hopin'

Don't let us go,
We're not that bad, we know
It's just a stain that we can't break
We'd like to leave,
Oh god how we'd like to leave
But there's a hole that we will never know.

All our drinks they're goin' down
And they're smoothin'
They're smoothin'
Fillin' up the empty town,
And we're losin',
We're losin'.

Don't let us go,
We're not that bad, we know
It's just a stain that we can't break
We'd like to leave,
Oh god how we'd like to leave
But there's a hole that we will never know.

Standing together with united purpose,
Here we are
Clinging to each other's lonely eyes
Hoping for just an ounce of love or trust
Here at the bar,
And we're hopin'
We're hopin'

I Love My Friend

I love my friend
And I never wanna let him go
I love my friend,
And it's a hard hard thing to show
Yes it's a hard, hard thing to show
But you know...

That I never want to be ashamed
And I never want to cause you pain
And if I could only just explain
When I say to you,
I love my friend,
I love my friend.

I love my friend
It's a feeling completely new to me
I love my friend
I don't know what it'll do to me
No I don't really know what it'll do to me,
Or to you...

But I never want to interfere
And I only want to be right here
And I just want you to hear
When I say to you,
I love my friend, I love my friend.
I love my friend.

CrystalClear Interface, Crystal Black and this Website @ 2008-10, Leland Scott, Musings from Mars
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